Personal Listing


Your profile can be put onto our men’s catalog that will give you an opportunity to recieve letters or emails from ladies interested in your pesonality. A lot of Russian women (not only from our website) will write you directly, to your address you will specify in your ad. If you don’t have much time to search, let women search our men’s catalog and find you. Note that your email will not be visible on your personal ad page. Ladies who will want to write to you will have to submit an anonimous form to send you a letter. This will protect your email from spam.

Fill out your Personal Listing Form and don’t forget to attach some of your photos. You profile will be activated during 24 hours after you pay the service. Now the price is only $40 for one year.

When you fill out the form, try to put as much information as possible about yourself. This will help ladies to understand what kind of person you are and it will help you save time reading letters only from really interested women.

We can also place your ad in the most popular Russian newspapers. Contact us to get information on this option.

Product ItemPrice
Personal Listing$40Order

Goods and services provided by (MO, United States & St Petersburg, Russia). Sold by Inc. (Ohio, USA).

You can also pay for our services using the following methods:


Western Union

Bank Transfer

For instructions on how to purchase by these methods, contact us:
[email protected]

Russian Ladies
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